1. Overview

The goal of this document is to provide reference documentation for developers utilizing the CXF Codegen Gradle plugin.

1.1. What is CXF Codegen

CXF Codegen is a Gradle plugin port of the Maven plugin. The Gradle plugin offers an API similar to the one offered by the Maven plugin. The API is not a 1:1 port and leans heavily on Gradle idioms and conventions.

1.2. Getting Started

To get started with the plugin it needs to be applied to your project.

The plugin is published to Gradle’s plugin portal and can be applied using the plugins DSL block:

plugins {
    id "java"
    id "io.mateo.cxf-codegen" version "1.2.1"
plugins {
    id("io.mateo.cxf-codegen") version "1.2.1"

1.3. Supported Gradle Versions

The CXF Codegen Gradle plugin supports the following Gradle versions:

Gradle 5 Gradle 6 Gradle 7 Gradle 8
  • 5.5.1

  • 5.6.4

  • 6.0.1

  • 6.1.1

  • 6.2.2

  • 6.3

  • 6.4.1

  • 6.5.1

  • 6.6.1

  • 6.7.1

  • 6.8.3

  • 6.9.4

  • 7.0.2

  • 7.1.1

  • 7.2

  • 7.3.3

  • 7.4.2

  • 7.5.1

  • 7.6.1

  • 8.0.2

  • 8.1.1

Gradle Version Support

To keep the plugin as simple as possible, there will not be any extensive version specific workarounds for older versions of Gradle or any Gradle version for that matter. Trivial or simple workarounds are fine.

However, the recommended minimum Gradle version is Gradle 6.8, 6.9, or 7.x. This recommended minimum aligns with Spring Boot Gradle Plugin 2.7.7, but without the strict requirement.

The plugin is fully tested against the above versions to ensure compatibility. View the source of the functional tests for more details.

Gradle’s configuration cache is supported when using Gradle 6.6 or later.

All examples are written for and are tested for Gradle 8.1.1. Depending on your Gradle version, you may need to adapt the example to a syntax that is compatible with your Gradle version.

2. Plugin Configuration

2.1. Extension

The plugin contributes a single extension to the project named cxfCodegen.

cxfCodegen { (1)

cxfCodegen { (1)

1 Primary entry point to the plugin configuration.

For details on what is configuration options are available, view the Javadoc for CxfCodegenExtension.

2.2. Dependency Configuration

The plugin creates a configuration named cxfCodegen which can be used to add additional dependencies to the classpath for code generation.

Out-of-the-box, the following dependencies are added (v3.5.5):

  • org.apache.cxf:cxf-core

  • org.apache.cxf:cxf-tools-common

  • org.apache.cxf:cxf-tools-wsdlto-core

  • org.apache.cxf:cxf-tools-wsdlto-databinding-jaxb

  • org.apache.cxf:cxf-tools-wsdlto-frontend-jaxws

  • org.apache.cxf:cxf-tools-wsdlto-frontend-javascript

    • org.apache.cxf:cxf-rt-frontend-simple is excluded.

These are the same dependencies defined in the Maven plugin’s POM.

2.2.1. Managing Dependency Versions

There are two ways to manage the contributed dependencies:

The extension provides a short and concise way to specify the version while using standard Gradle dependency management offers allows more rich configuration options.

The extension is preferred for simplicity, but if your project requires more complex dependency management, then use Gradle’s dependency management instead.

You will need to ensure the version of CXF dependencies you specify is compatible with the options used. Failure to do so will result in an error during code generation.

To change the version using the extension, specify the version using the cxfVersion property:

cxfCodegen {
    cxfVersion = "3.2.0" // 3.3.0 breaks the build
cxfCodegen {
    cxfVersion.set("3.2.0") // 3.3.0 breaks the build
Standard Gradle Dependency Management

To change the version using Standard Gradle dependency management, a resolve rule can be used:

configurations.cxfCodegen {
    resolutionStrategy.eachDependency {
        if (requested.group == "org.apache.cxf") {
            useVersion "3.2.0"
            because "3.3.0 breaks the build"
configurations.cxfCodegen {
    resolutionStrategy.eachDependency {
        if (requested.group == "org.apache.cxf") {
            because("3.3.0 breaks the build")

3. Generating Java Sources

To generate Java sources from a WSDL, define task of type Wsdl2Java and configure the toolOptions. Note that the task is a subclass of JavaExec.

Incremental Build

The JavaExec supports up-to-date checks (aka incremental build). As mentioned above, Wsdl2Java is a subclass of JavaExec and as a result, also supports up-to-date checks.

However, depending on how your WSDLs are structured, you may encounter scenarios where tasks are out-of-date.

Additionally, when defining a task:

  1. For each task, the generated Java source (the task output) is added to the main source sets.

    1. This can be disabled when creating the task via addToMainSourceSet.set(false)

  2. All Wsdl2Java task types are aggregated to a single task named wsdl2java.

3.1. Minimal Usage

The minimum requirement for generating Java is a single WSDL file.

import io.mateo.cxf.codegen.wsdl2java.Wsdl2Java

// ...

tasks.register("example", Wsdl2Java) { (1)
    toolOptions { (2)
        wsdl.set(file("path/to/example.wsdl")) (3)
    allJvmArgs = ["-Duser.language=fr", "-Duser.country=CA"] (4)
import io.mateo.cxf.codegen.wsdl2java.Wsdl2Java

// ...

tasks.register("example", Wsdl2Java::class) { (1)
    toolOptions { (2)
        wsdl.set(file("path/to/example.wsdl")) (3)
    allJvmArgs = listOf("-Duser.language=fr", "-Duser.country=CA") (4)
1 Creates a task named example of type Wsdl2Java.
2 Use the toolOptions to configure all available options for code generation.
3 Configure the WSDL to use for code generation.
4 Configure a custom locale.
Remember that Wsdl2Java is a subclass of JavaExec. All configurations you can do to JavaExec can be done here as well.
The WSDL property is annotated with @InputFile therefore any changes to the WSDL will cause the task to be out-of-date. If your WSDL imports a schema (XSD) or something else, consider adding that file to the task inputs as well so that it can be considered during Gradle’s up-to-date checks.

3.2. Options

There are quite a few options that can be specified that alter the generated Java. These are identical to ones offered by the Maven plugin.

tasks.register("example", Wsdl2Java) {
    toolOptions {
        outputDir.set(file("$buildDir/generated-java")) (1)
        markGenerated.set(true) (2)
        packageNames.set(["com.example", "com.foo.bar"]) (3)
        asyncMethods.set(["foo", "bar"]) (4)
tasks.register("example", Wsdl2Java::class) {
    toolOptions {
        outputDir.set(file("$buildDir/generated-java")) (1)
        markGenerated.set(true) (2)
        packageNames.set(listOf("com.example", "com.foo.bar")) (3)
        asyncMethods.set(listOf("foo", "bar")) (4)
1 Change the directory the generated code files are written to.
2 Adds the @Generated annotation to classes.
3 Package names to use for the generated code.
4 Specifies subsequently generated Java class methods to allow for client-side asynchronous calls, similar to enableAsyncMapping in a JAX-WS binding file.

There are more options available than what is shown above. View the method summary section in the Javadoc for Wsdl2JavaOptions for more details.

3.3. Default Options

You may want to configure options that apply to all tasks. This is easily accomplished using native Gradle functionality.

First define some tasks:

tasks.register("first", Wsdl2Java) {
    toolOptions {
tasks.register("second", Wsdl2Java) {
    toolOptions {
tasks.register("third", Wsdl2Java) {
    toolOptions {
tasks {
    register("first", Wsdl2Java::class) {
        toolOptions {
    register("second", Wsdl2Java::class) {
        toolOptions {
    register("third", Wsdl2Java::class) {
        toolOptions {

Then configure each one using the configureEach method on the container:

tasks.withType(Wsdl2Java).configureEach {
    toolOptions {
tasks.withType(Wsdl2Java::class).configureEach {
    toolOptions {

3.4. Java 9+

If you are using Java 9+, you can use the cxfCodegen configuration to add back the Java EE modules that were deprecated in Java 9 and eventually removed in Java 11. Refer to JEP 320 for more details.

dependencies {
    cxfCodegen "jakarta.xml.ws:jakarta.xml.ws-api:2.3.3" (1)
    cxfCodegen "jakarta.annotation:jakarta.annotation-api:1.3.5" (2)
dependencies {
    cxfCodegen("jakarta.xml.ws:jakarta.xml.ws-api:2.3.3") (1)
    cxfCodegen("jakarta.annotation:jakarta.annotation-api:1.3.5") (2)
1 Replacement for javax.xml.ws.Service
2 Replacement for javax.annotation.Resource

The above is just an example. Depending on your usage, there may be more dependencies required.

3.5. Jakarta

It is possible to generate Java using the jakarta namespace instead of javax. In order to do so, you must use Apache CXF 4 along with Jakarta specific artifacts.

repositories {

cxfCodegen {
    cxfVersion = "4.0.0" (1)

dependencies {
    cxfCodegen "jakarta.xml.ws:jakarta.xml.ws-api:4.0.0" (2)
    cxfCodegen "jakarta.annotation:jakarta.annotation-api:2.1.1"
repositories {

cxfCodegen {
    cxfVersion.set("4.0.0") (1)

dependencies {
    cxfCodegen("jakarta.xml.ws:jakarta.xml.ws-api:4.0.0") (2)
1 Specify 4.0.0 version for all CXF artifacts in the cxfCodegen classpath.
2 Use Jakarta specific artifacts that use the jakarta namespace.

The above is just an example. Depending on your usage, there may be more dependencies or configuration required.

3.6. Logging

Without any additional configuration, when executing any of the created tasks, the following lines will be printed to the console:

SLF4J: Failed to load class "org.slf4j.impl.StaticLoggerBinder".
SLF4J: Defaulting to no-operation (NOP) logger implementation
SLF4J: See http://www.slf4j.org/codes.html#StaticLoggerBinder for further details.

To enable logging for Apache CXF, include a SLF4J binding and logging framework. A Logback example is shown below.

dependencies {
    cxfCodegen "ch.qos.logback:logback-classic:1.2.10"
dependencies {

With the above, you should now start to see a plethora of logs as shown below.

22:14:05.833 [main] DEBUG org.apache.cxf.common.logging.LogUtils - Using org.apache.cxf.common.logging.Slf4jLogger for logging.
22:14:05.967 [main] DEBUG org.apache.cxf.tools.wsdlto.core.PluginLoader - Loading plugin jar:file:~/.gradle/caches/modules-2/files-2.1/org.apache.cxf/cxf-tools-wsdlto-databinding-jaxb/3.4.0/.../cxf-tools-wsdlto-databinding-jaxb-3.4.0.jar!/META-INF/tools-plugin.xml
22:14:06.043 [main] DEBUG org.apache.cxf.tools.wsdlto.core.PluginLoader - Found 1 databindings in <jaxb> plugin.
22:14:06.043 [main] DEBUG org.apache.cxf.tools.wsdlto.core.PluginLoader - Loading <jaxb> databinding from <jaxb> plugin.
22:14:06.043 [main] DEBUG org.apache.cxf.tools.wsdlto.core.PluginLoader - Loading plugin jar:file:~/.gradle/caches/modules-2/files-2.1/org.apache.cxf/cxf-tools-wsdlto-frontend-jaxws/3.4.0/.../cxf-tools-wsdlto-frontend-jaxws-3.4.0.jar!/META-INF/tools-plugin.xml

---- snip

22:14:06.043 [main] DEBUG org.apache.velocity - Initializing Velocity, Calling init()...
22:14:06.043 [main] DEBUG org.apache.velocity - Starting Apache Velocity v2.2
22:14:06.043 [main] DEBUG org.apache.velocity - Default Properties resource: org/apache/velocity/runtime/defaults/velocity.properties

3.6.1. Disable Logs

Logs from Apache CXF can be disabled by specifying a null logger for each Wsdl2JavaTask task type as JVM argument.

tasks.withType(Wsdl2Java).configureEach {
    jvmArgs = ["-Dorg.apache.cxf.Logger=null"]
tasks.withType(Wsdl2Java::class).configureEach {
    jvmArgs = listOf("-Dorg.apache.cxf.Logger=null")

Logs from Apache Velocity unfortunately cannot be disabled. However, you can specify a log configuration that essentially overrides all logging levels. For example, an empty Logback configuration will silence all logs:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
tasks.withType(Wsdl2Java).configureEach {
    jvmArgs = ["-Dlogback.configurationFile=logback.xml"]
tasks.withType(Wsdl2Java::class).configureEach {
    jvmArgs = listOf("-Dlogback.configurationFile=logback.xml")

4. Generating JavaScript Sources

To generate JavaScript sources from a WSDL, define task of type Wsdl2Js and configure the toolOptions. Note that the task is a subclass of JavaExec.

All Wsdl2Js task types are aggregated to a single task named wsdl2js.

4.1. Minimal Usage

The minimum requirement for generating JavaScript is a single WSDL file.

import io.mateo.cxf.codegen.wsdl2js.Wsdl2Js

// ...

tasks.register("example", Wsdl2Js) { (1)
    toolOptions { (2)
        wsdl.set(file("path/to/example.wsdl").absolutePath) (3)
import io.mateo.cxf.codegen.wsdl2js.Wsdl2Js

// ...

tasks.register("example", Wsdl2Js::class) { (1)
    toolOptions { (2)
        wsdl.set(file("path/to/example.wsdl").absolutePath) (3)
1 Creates a task named example of type Wsdl2Js.
2 Use the toolOptions to configure all available options for code generation.
3 Configure the WSDL to use for code generation.

4.2. Options

There are quite a few options that can be specified that alter the generated JavaScript. These are identical to ones offered by the wsdl2js tool.

tasks.register("example", Wsdl2Js) {
    toolOptions {
        outputDir.set(file("$buildDir/example-generated-js")) (1)
        catalog.set(file("path/to/example-catalog.xml")) (2)
        packagePrefixes.set([new UriPrefixPair("https://example.com", "example")]) (3)
        verbose.set(true) (4)
tasks.register("example", Wsdl2Js::class) {
    toolOptions {
        outputDir.set(file("$buildDir/example-generated-js")) (1)
        catalog.set(file("path/to/example-catalog.xml")) (2)
        packagePrefixes.set(listOf(UriPrefixPair("https://example.com", "example"))) (3)
        verbose.set(true) (4)
1 Change the directory the generated code files are written to.
2 Specifies the XML catalog to use for resolving imported schemas and WSDL documents.
3 Specifies a mapping between the namespaces used in the WSDL document and the prefixes used in the generated JavaScript.
4 Displays comments during the code generation process.

There are more options available than what is shown above. View the method summary section in the Javadoc for Wsdl2JsOptions for more details.

4.3. Default Options

You may want to configure options that apply to all tasks. This is can be accomplished using native Gradle functionality. Refer to the default options section in the documentation for generating Java sources for examples. Replace Wsdl2Java with Wsdl2Js in the examples.

4.4. Java 9+

If you are using Java 9+, the cxfCodegen configuration to add back the Java EE modules that were removed in Java 11. Refer to Java 9 documentation for more details.

The Java EE (or Jakarta) dependencies are required regardless if a JVM plugin (java, groovy, scala, kotlin("jvm"), etc) is applied. This is because the underlying code generation tool is based on Java.

4.5. Jakarta

When using Apache CXF 4 or greater, you must include Jakarta specific artifacts instead of Java EE. Refer to the Java Jakarta documentation for more details.

4.6. Logging

Refer to the documentation for generating Java sources. The process for enabling or disabling logs is the same. Replace Wsdl2Java with Wsdl2Js.

5. Java Examples

This section provides Gradle examples translated from the Maven plugin examples.

You will need to ensure you have the appropriate dependencies when generating code for Java 9+; see the Java 9+ section for more details. In addition, there may be more dependencies the CXF Codegen tool requires. Review dependency configuration documentation on how to add additional dependencies to the CXF Codegen tool classpath.

In addition to the tool dependencies, your application may require additional dependencies as well.

All examples are written for and tested for Gradle 8.1.1. Depending on your Gradle version, you may need to adapt the example to a syntax that is compatible with your Gradle version.

The following examples have been omitted:

  1. Using wsdlRoot with includes/excludes patterns

    1. It is a design decision of the plugin to omit the functionality to define a wsdlRoot or "base path" to locate WSDL(s). It is responsibility of the user to provide the location a WSDL. This keeps the plugin codebase simpler.

  2. Using defaultOption to avoid repetition

    1. The defaultOptions configuration does not exist in this Gradle plugin. Instead, use native Gradle APIs to accomplish the same thing. Refer to the default options section for details.

5.1. JAX-WS Binding File

import io.mateo.cxf.codegen.wsdl2java.Wsdl2Java

// ...

tasks.register("calculator", Wsdl2Java) {
    toolOptions {
        bindingFiles.add(layout.projectDirectory.file("async-binding.xml").asFile.absolutePath) (1)
import io.mateo.cxf.codegen.wsdl2java.Wsdl2Java

// ...

tasks.register("calculator", Wsdl2Java::class) {
    toolOptions {
        bindingFiles.add(layout.projectDirectory.file("async-binding.xml").asFile.absolutePath) (1)
1 Add the path of the binding file to the list property of binding files.

5.2. Specify Data Binding

import io.mateo.cxf.codegen.wsdl2java.Wsdl2Java

dependencies {
    cxfCodegen "org.apache.cxf:cxf-rt-databinding-jibx:3.1.18" (1)

// ...

tasks.register("calculator", Wsdl2Java) {
    toolOptions {
        extraArgs.addAll(["-databinding", "jibx"]) (2)
import io.mateo.cxf.codegen.wsdl2java.Wsdl2Java

dependencies {
    cxfCodegen("org.apache.cxf:cxf-rt-databinding-jibx:3.1.18") (1)

// ...

tasks.register("calculator", Wsdl2Java::class) {
    toolOptions {
        extraArgs.addAll(listOf("-databinding", "jibx")) (2)
1 Add required dependency to tool classpath for JiBX data binding.
2 Specify JiBX data binding.

5.3. Specify Service to Generate Artifacts For

import io.mateo.cxf.codegen.wsdl2java.Wsdl2Java

// ...

tasks.register("calculator", Wsdl2Java) {
    toolOptions {
        serviceName.set("Calculator") (1)
import io.mateo.cxf.codegen.wsdl2java.Wsdl2Java

// ...

tasks.register("calculator", Wsdl2Java::class) {
    toolOptions {
        serviceName.set("Calculator") (1)
1 Specify to generate artifacts only for the service named Calculator.

5.4. Loading A WSDL From A Maven Repository

Loading a WSDL from an artifact can be accomplished using Gradle APIs as shown below. For example, to use the WSDL published in the cxf-testutils JAR artifact:

import io.mateo.cxf.codegen.wsdl2java.Wsdl2Java

configurations {
    myConfiguration (1)

dependencies {
    myConfiguration "org.apache.cxf:cxf-testutils:3.5.3" (2)

def copyArtifact = tasks.register("copyArtifact", Copy) { (3)
    from(configurations.myConfiguration) {
        include {

def extractWsdl = tasks.register("extractWsdl") { (4)
    def wsdlFile = layout.buildDirectory.file("extracted.wsdl")
    doLast {
        // Assumes single JAR artifact from previous task
        def list = []
        inputs.files.singleFile.eachFileRecurse(groovy.io.FileType.FILES) { f -> list.add(f) }
        def archive = list.first()
        def textResource = resources.text.fromArchiveEntry(archive, "wsdl/calculator.wsdl")
        def f = wsdlFile.get().asFile

tasks.register("calculator", Wsdl2Java) { (5)
    toolOptions {
        wsdl.fileProvider(extractWsdl.map { it.outputs.files.singleFile })
import io.mateo.cxf.codegen.wsdl2java.Wsdl2Java

val myConfiguration: Configuration by configurations.creating (1)

dependencies {
    myConfiguration("org.apache.cxf:cxf-testutils:3.5.3") (2)

val copyArtifact = tasks.register("copyArtifact", Copy::class) { (3)
    from(myConfiguration) {
        include {

val extractWsdl = tasks.register("extractWsdl") { (4)
    val wsdlFile = layout.buildDirectory.file("extracted.wsdl")
    doLast {
        // Assumes single JAR artifact from previous task
        val archive = inputs.files.singleFile.walk().filter { it.isFile }.single()
        val textResource = resources.text.fromArchiveEntry(archive, "wsdl/calculator.wsdl")
        val f = wsdlFile.get().asFile

tasks.register("calculator", Wsdl2Java::class) { (5)
    toolOptions {
        wsdl.fileProvider(extractWsdl.map { it.outputs.files.singleFile })
1 Define a configuration to hold the dependency.
2 Add the dependency containing a WSDL to the configuration.
3 Define a task to copy the dependency that contains the WSDL
4 Extract the WSDL from the artifact
5 Use the task output as input to the Wsdl2Java task

5.5. Using XJC Extensions

import io.mateo.cxf.codegen.wsdl2java.Wsdl2Java

// ...

dependencies {
    implementation "org.apache.cxf.xjc-utils:cxf-xjc-runtime:3.3.2" (1)
    cxfCodegen "org.apache.cxf.xjcplugins:cxf-xjc-ts:3.3.2" (2)

tasks.register("calculator", Wsdl2Java) {
    toolOptions {
        xjcArgs.add("-Xts") (3)
import io.mateo.cxf.codegen.wsdl2java.Wsdl2Java

// ...

dependencies {
    implementation("org.apache.cxf.xjc-utils:cxf-xjc-runtime:3.3.2") (1)
    cxfCodegen("org.apache.cxf.xjcplugins:cxf-xjc-ts:3.3.2") (2)

tasks.register("calculator", Wsdl2Java::class) {
    toolOptions {
        xjcArgs.add("-Xts") (3)
1 Add the required CXF JXC dependency to your application dependencies.
2 Add the extension dependency to the tool classpath.
3 Specify extension ID that corresponds to the added dependency from (2); the -xjc prefix is not required when using the xjcArgs property.