Class WsdlOption

    • Method Detail

      • getPackageNames

        public ListProperty<String> getPackageNames()
        Specifies zero, or more, package names to use for the generated code.

        Optionally specifies the WSDL namespace to package name mapping.

        Specified by:
        getPackageNames in interface Option
        package names
      • getExtraArgs

        public ListProperty<String> getExtraArgs()
        Specifies extra arguments to pass to the command-line code generator.
        Specified by:
        getExtraArgs in interface Option
        extra arguments
      • getXjcArgs

        public ListProperty<String> getXjcArgs()
        Specifies arguments that are passed directly to the XJC processor when using the JAXB data binding.
        Specified by:
        getXjcArgs in interface Option
        xjc arguments
      • getAsyncMethods

        public ListProperty<String> getAsyncMethods()
        Specifies subsequently generated Java class methods to allow for client-side asynchronous calls, similar to enableAsyncMapping in a JAX-WS binding file.
        Specified by:
        getAsyncMethods in interface Option
        async methods
      • getBareMethods

        public ListProperty<String> getBareMethods()
        Specifies subsequently generated Java class methods to have wrapper style, similar to enableWrapperStyle in JAX-WS binding file.
        Specified by:
        getBareMethods in interface Option
        bare methods
      • getMimeMethods

        public ListProperty<String> getMimeMethods()
        Specifies subsequently generated Java class methods to enable mime:content mapping, similar to enableMIMEContent in JAX-WS binding file.
        Specified by:
        getMimeMethods in interface Option
        mime methods
      • getNamespaceExcludes

        public ListProperty<String> getNamespaceExcludes()
        Ignore the specified WSDL schema namespace when generating code.

        Optionally specifies the Java package name used by types described in the excluded namespace(s) using schema-namespace[=java-packagename]

        Specified by:
        getNamespaceExcludes in interface Option
        namespace excludes
      • getDefaultExcludesNamespace

        public Property<Boolean> getDefaultExcludesNamespace()
        Enables or disables the loading of the default excludes namespace mapping.

        If not set, wsdl2java defaults to true.

        Specified by:
        getDefaultExcludesNamespace in interface Option
        default excludes namespace indicator
      • getWsdlLocation

        public Property<String> getWsdlLocation()
        Specifies the value of the @WebServiceClient annotation's wsdlLocation property.
        Specified by:
        getWsdlLocation in interface Option
        wsdl location
      • getWsdlList

        public Property<Boolean> getWsdlList()
        Specifies that the wsdlurl contains a plain text, new line delimited, list of wsdlurls instead of the WSDL itself.
        Specified by:
        getWsdlList in interface Option
        wsdl list flag
      • getFrontend

        public Property<String> getFrontend()
        Specifies the frontend. Currently only supports JAX-WS CXF frontends and a jaxws21 frontend to generate JAX-WS 2.1 compliant code.

        If not set, wsdl2java defaults to jaxws

        Specified by:
        getFrontend in interface Option
      • getDatabinding

        public Property<String> getDatabinding()
        Specifies the databinding. Currently supports JAXB, XMLBeans, SDO (sdo-static * and sdo-dynamic), and JiBX.

        If not set, wsdl2java defaults to jaxb

        Specified by:
        getDatabinding in interface Option
      • getWsdlVersion

        public Property<String> getWsdlVersion()
        Specifies the WSDL version.

        If not set, wsdl2java defaults to WSDL1.1; currently supports only WSDL1.1 version.

        Specified by:
        getWsdlVersion in interface Option
        wsdl version
      • getCatalog

        public Property<String> getCatalog()
        Specify catalog file to map the imported WSDL/schema.
        Specified by:
        getCatalog in interface Option
      • getExtendedSoapHeaders

        public Property<Boolean> getExtendedSoapHeaders()
        Enables or disables processing of implicit SOAP headers (i.e. SOAP headers defined in the wsdl:binding, but not wsdl:portType section.)

        Processing the SOAP headers requires the SOAP binding JARs available on the classpath which was not the default in CXF 2.4.x and older. You may need to add a dependency to cxf-rt-binding-soap for this flag to work.

        If not set, wsdl2java defaults to false.

        Specified by:
        getExtendedSoapHeaders in interface Option
        extended SOAP headers indicator
      • getValidateWsdl

        public Property<String> getValidateWsdl()
        Enables validating the WSDL before generating the code.
        Specified by:
        getValidateWsdl in interface Option
        validate WSDL
      • getNoTypes

        public Property<Boolean> getNoTypes()
        Enables or disables generation of the type classes.

        If not set, wsdl2java defaults to false.

        Specified by:
        getNoTypes in interface Option
        no types indicator
      • getFaultSerialVersionUid

        public Property<String> getFaultSerialVersionUid()
        Specifies how to generate serial version UID of fault exceptions.

        Use one of the following:

        • NONE
        • TIMESTAMP
        • FQCN
        • a specific number

        If not set, wsdl2java defaults to NONE.

        Specified by:
        getFaultSerialVersionUid in interface Option
        fault serial version UID
      • getExceptionSuper

        public Property<String> getExceptionSuper()
        Specifies the superclass for fault beans generated from wsdl:fault elements

        If not set, wsdl2java defaults to Exception.

        Specified by:
        getExceptionSuper in interface Option
        exception superclass
      • getSeiSuper

        public ListProperty<String> getSeiSuper()
        Specifies the superinterfaces to use for generated SEIs.
        Specified by:
        getSeiSuper in interface Option
        super interfaces
      • getMarkGenerated

        public Property<Boolean> getMarkGenerated()
        Enables or disables adding the @Generated annotation to classes generated.
        Specified by:
        getMarkGenerated in interface Option
        mark generated indicator
      • getSuppressGeneratedDate

        public Property<Boolean> getSuppressGeneratedDate()
        Enables or disables writing the current timestamp in the generated file (since CXF version 3.2.2).
        Specified by:
        getSuppressGeneratedDate in interface Option
        suppress generated date indicator
      • getServiceName

        public Property<String> getServiceName()
        Specifies the WSDL service name to use for the generated code.
        Specified by:
        getServiceName in interface Option
        service name
      • getAutoNameResolution

        public Property<Boolean> getAutoNameResolution()
        Enables or disables automatically resolving naming conflicts without requiring the use of binding customizations.
        Specified by:
        getAutoNameResolution in interface Option
        auto name resolution indicator
      • getNoAddressBinding

        public Property<Boolean> getNoAddressBinding()
        For compatibility with CXF 2.0, this flag directs the code generator to generate the older CXF proprietary WS-Addressing types instead of the JAX-WS 2.1 compliant WS-Addressing types.
        Specified by:
        getNoAddressBinding in interface Option
        no address binding indicator
      • getAllowElementRefs

        public Property<Boolean> getAllowElementRefs()
        Enables or disables disregarding the rule given in section of the JAX-WS 2.2 specification disallowing element references when using wrapper-style mapping.
        Specified by:
        getAllowElementRefs in interface Option
        allow element references indicator
      • getEncoding

        public Property<String> getEncoding()
        Encoding to use for generated sources (since CXF version 2.5.4).
        Specified by:
        getEncoding in interface Option
      • getVerbose

        public Property<Boolean> getVerbose()
        Enables or disables verbosity.
        Specified by:
        getVerbose in interface Option
        verbosity indicator
      • getOutputDir

        public DirectoryProperty getOutputDir()
        Specifies the directory the generated code files are written.

        If not set, the convention is "${project.buildDir}/generated-sources"

        Specified by:
        getOutputDir in interface GenericWsdlOption
        output directory
      • generateArgs

        public List<String> generateArgs()
        Generate arguments for wsdl2java.